Nobody noticed this issue?

Now I use a view script file as decorator for each form, and the only ReCaptcha 
that is rendered is the last one, not the first, anyway, not both as expected.

Sergio Rinaudo

Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 22:40:50 +0200
Subject: [fw-general] Problem with ReCaptcha element?

before ZF 1.8  I wrote a couple of form using Zend_Form, that implement the 
recaptcha element ( I think with the 1.7 version of ZF ).
They was working pretty well, both forms rendered in the same page/action.

I did't use them for a while, and today I needed to use them again, but I 
noticed that recapcha can render only once, only the first one. 
I tried to switch forms as well, disable css but I get the same result.

Does anybody noticed the same problem?

I'm actually use ZF1.9 beta, but I tried as well with 1.8.1.

Sergio Rinaudo

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