On 28 Jul 2009, at 13:55, Tim Fountain wrote:

2009/7/28 PHPScriptor <cont...@phpscriptor.com>

Maybe a simple question, but I never did this before. How can I remove the
old image-captcha's from my directory?

I believe the component does this automatically. You can control how frequently it does so by changing the garbage collection frequency config options - see http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.captcha.adapters.html#zend.captcha.adapters.image

The default value is 100, so 1 in 100 of the captcha requests will also remove the old images.

You could probably setup a cron job to do this but I don't think it would be worth the hassle unless your site gets a very high amount of traffic and you're seeing slowdown issues on the captcha generation.

Scratch my last response. If the component does it itself, that's easier. ;-)


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