I've been looking for something like this too. It's all well and fine to
install all the Zend products with the intention of integrating them in to a
homogenous whole, but the reality is that there's very little in the way of
documentation looking at the problem from a broader development perspective.
I'm trying to nut my way through and develop my own series of best practices
with regards to all this, but my particular sticking point is still the Zend
Server to Zend Studio integration, which seems to be focused around using
your local machine as the development server - a situation which obviously
doesn't scale terribly well. I've tried finding some good examples of using
external Zend Server instances via a local Zend Studio, but so far,

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Robert Gormley <rgorm...@mgcare.com> wrote:

>  Has anyone got a good pointer to a resource, or able to offer some
> advice, on a ‘best practices’ set-up for ZF, Server, for use with Studio...
> Something that’s nicely organized and elegant. Things like
>    - nice ways to address development and test environments on the same
>    server (use of Apache ENV for example, or hostname)
>    - awareness of multiple sites on the same server
>    - other common best practices, like ‘root of the project’ being outside
>    the web root, etc
> I realize these are all fairly common/well-known things, but I’m trying to
> find a nice document/blog, what have you, that does a good job of
> encapsulating a lot of these ‘best practices’.
> Robert

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