David Mintz wrote:
Playing around with Zend_Application and friends, I made a Bootstrap.php
which does this:

protected function _initLog() {

        printf ("running %s:%s()\n",__CLASS__,__FUNCTION__);
        return new Zend_Log(new Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug());

And a controller plugin:


class Plugin_OurTestPlugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract {

    function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request ) {

        $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
        $bootstrap = $front->getParam('bootstrap');
        printf ("\$bootstrap is a %s.\n", gettype($bootstrap));
        $log = $front->getParam('bootstrap')->getResource('log');
        $log->info('woo hoo, your controller plugin works');
In a browser, the printf statement outputs " $bootstrap is a object" and
indeed it is, but when I run phpunit tests from the command line, -- forgive
all the "echo" output, I have temporarily polluted my code with echo()s in
order to determine what's executing --

Bootstrap constructor running...
running Bootstrap:_initLog()
we are bootstrapping the application in
$bootstrap is a NULL.

Fatal error: Call to a member function getResource() on a non-object in
/opt/www/shitou/application/plugins/OurTestPlugin.php on line 14

Seems like my Bootstrap is instantiated before, not after, my base class
ControllerTestCase.php bootstraps the application. I must be doing something
weird but can't figure out what.

My test setup:

I have a phpunit.xml:
<phpunit bootstrap="./bootstrap.php" colors="false">
    <testsuite name="MyZFProject">

and bootstrap.php contains:

define('BASE_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
define('APPLICATION_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/application');

// Include path
    . PATH_SEPARATOR . BASE_PATH . '/library'
    . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()

// Define application environment
define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'testing');

require_once './ControllerTestCase.php';
echo "we are in ".__FILE__. "\n";


and ControllerTestCase.php looks like

abstract class ControllerTestCase extends
    public $application;
    public $bootstrap;

    public function setUp()
        $this->application = new Zend_Application(
            APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'

        $this->bootstrap = array($this, 'appBootstrap');

    public function appBootstrap()

        echo "we are bootstrapping the application in ".__FILE__."\n";


This is with ZF 1.9.0a1 -- because therein is a fix for a bug that was
ruining my day.


I stumbled across the same issue lately.

The bootstrap object is assigned as a frontcontroller param in the run() method of Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap. But this method is not executed in the test environment, only bootstrap(). I think that´s the reason for the error you get (Fatal error: Call to a member function getResource() on a non-object...)

As a workaround I set the frontcontroller param "bootstrap" manually within the callback method appBootstrap() of my testclasses.

public function setUp()

public function appBootstrap()

        // set bootstrap param
        $bootstrap = $this->application->getBootstrap();
        $front = $bootstrap->getResource('FrontController');
        $front->setParam('bootstrap', $bootstrap);

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