Ed Lazor wrote:
Should I expect to see these debug warnings when debugging my ZF-based
application in Zend Studio?

Debug Warning: /www/lib/zend/ZendFramework-1.9.2/library/Zend/Loader.php
line 165 - fopen(/www/vhosts/local.test.com/application/views/helpers/Url.php)
[<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream:
No such file or directory
Debug Warning: /www/lib/zend/ZendFramework-1.9.2/library/Zend/Loader.php
line 165 - 
[<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream:
No such file or directory
Debug Warning: /www/lib/zend/ZendFramework-1.9.2/library/Zend/Loader.php
line 165 - 
[<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream:
No such file or directory

The source code is the latest available from the ZF Quick Start guide.
 Zend Application is being used.

This is correct behavior. The debugger in studio is throwing a warning in a situation where PHP has already suppressed the error. FYI, Zend_Loader is using the only technique available in the php 5.2 series to locate a file on the include_path. Other techniques are completely userland based and extremely slow and non-performant.

Here's my main concern...  A lot of debug warnings like this show up
when I debug my main ZF application.  As a result, I tend to ignore
the debug console output.  That seems like a bad habit considering
that some of the warnings may need to be addressed.  Plus, it seems
like a smooth running application shouldn't have any warnings or

Thats a valid concern, although I am not seeing any way to supress the errors in studio, I think this would be better asked on the Studio forums.

The second concern is that there might be some sort of overhead
involved in generating these warnings.  Wouldn't resolving this issue
improve the overall performance of my application?

As mentioned before, this is the most ideal solution for 5.2. Also, the performance cost is negligible. When 5.3 rolls around as well as ZF 2.0, there are several language level features we'll be able to leverage to remove this limitation and warnings you are seeing.

I'm testing using code from the Quick Start guide to keep things
simple and provide some sort of reference point.  I'm hoping there's a
way for me to adjust the configuration and eliminate these debug
warnings.  Or, at the very least, it would be nice having the
confirmation that everything is configured properly - the warnings and
associated overhead are expected and part of how ZF works.

Everything is working fine :) But as I mentioned, you might want to pop on over to the Studio forums, this might be an opportunity to see if a filter exists, or perhaps ask for the feature request.


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