Oh, I was by no means sorry about the post itself J, I was more or less
apologizing for reposting it (to those who have already read it on Nabble).


Anyhow, in effect that is kind of what I am striving for is to make a simple
application (for learning purposes).  However, I am still a little fuzzy on
the structure of the whole domain driven design concept.  I am reading lots
about it, and am more or less using this forum for a little verbal diahrea
as I am going through this learning venture.  I am of course doing what
everyone else is doing (well every newbie around here at least), and
building a simple CMS as my ‘starting point’.  Because my main purpose
behind using / learning the Zend Framework is for web based applications in
the long run, and some would argue that websites are not the best use of
Zend Framework, I have always loved programming in PHP, and am always
learning new things with it, I have a hard time working with content
management systems that are available today.  Every one of them seems quite
restrictive in it’s own way, and reading someone else’s code to try to
decipher how they developed it really sucks.  It is amazing how these
relatively complex CMS systems available today (Joomla/Drupal/etc) are even
functional considering how non-logical the application was written.  I have
been working with Zend Framework now since about v1.0 (I got to miss the
whole pre-release candidates to version one – whew dodged that bullet).  I
was really cool with how things were going around version 1.5.  Then all
hell broke loose (for how I ‘thought’ about development/design) with the
introduction of Zend_Tool and Zend_Application.  Zend_Tool, in itself was
relatively easy to grasp, it was and is still quite simplistic in its
‘default’ form, I haven’t gotten into expanding its functionality yet
(haven’t found a need really).


So the biggest thing I find helps with learning Zend Framework is to use
everything in its default context as much as possible (while learning the
component), ie:


Rather than extending Zend_Form (creating my own extended class), I start by
creating a form in the controller $myForm = new Zend_Form();
$myForm->addElement(blah blah); etc.  I do nothing fancy.  I pass it to the
view, and render it.  Then I look at the source (ctrl-u -> firefox), and see
WHAT just got rendered.  Then I add CSS and make it look fancy.  Obviously
the best method is not to have all that garbage in your controller (or at
least that is what I have learned), then I will move that code into a class
(or extend the Zend Form class), leaving it completely basic, then I will
add the extra goodies (validation, filtering, etc).  That is my thought
process when it comes to learning Zend Framework itself.  I also read a lot
of posts here, blogs, tutorials, etc and just keep playing with it.  I am
still almost completely lost with Zend_Application at this point, I kind of
understand the Bootstrap class (as I have used bootstrapping forever),
however not quite the way Zend Framework uses it (by default).  So now I am
trying to wrap my head around Zend_Application as well, but all in time, I
am at least picking up some of it.


I find the API documentation is a great source as well. Especially when
something isn’t working quite the way I *THINK* it is supposed to work.


I have browsed the source of Modx (www.modxcms.com) which has given me a few
ideas here and there.  I even tried to install Cahaya (another new CMS built
on Zend Framework), but that one crashed and burned for me and I don’t
really like the directory structures the developer used, so I haven’t even
started looking at the code on that one, it has me afraid already J )


But mostly where I am at right now is getting to the point of developing a
solid architecture and layout that I can build on, so I am really trying to
understand everything I can about DDD and PoEAA. (I bought PoEAA, and I have
the Domain Driven Design Quickly version of Eric Evans book – I will most
likely be rushing out to buy the full version of his book soon too).  I also
have to say I picked up Rob Allens book Zend Framework in Action, however I
bought that one a little too late.   Being a huge fan of Rob’s tutorials, I
recently picked up his book (have been meaning to forever).  Unfortunately
it was published around version 1.5 and therefore misses most of what I am
learning right now (Zend_Application).  Kudos to the book though, very well
written Rob!


I have numerous other projects that I am really interested in kicking off as
well, I just decided a simple CMS would give me a fairly generic and well
rounded understanding and learning base to kick off some of these other more
advanced projects I have in mind.





From: Diego Potapczuk [mailto:potapc...@gmail.com] 
Sent: September 24, 2009 8:01 PM
To: Aaron Murray
Cc: fw-general@lists.zend.com
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Domain Driven Design / Patterns of Enterprise
Application Architecture [repost]


Don´t be sorry for sending a quality post like this, this is an area that i
feel the Zend Framework need a better working to define the best  or
appropriated way to architect an system build with it.

Maybe you could make an simple application to show how all it would work
together, especially joins tables and such.

::: Diego Potapczuk

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:42 PM, Aaron Murray <ajmurra...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey everyone,


Sorry about the repost (most of you probably haven’t seen it as I posted it
on Nabble, and of course realized that it didn’t get sent because I didn’t
have a subscription to the mailing list (cancelled it because I was reading
everything on Nabble).  Anyhow, I am reposting the message now that I have
re-subscribed to the list, so it will get some exposure beyond Nabble.


I have just gone through an article 

"Model Infrastructure" ->

A most excellent insight on Zend Framework and Domain Models (Matthew you
are my hero!) 

The comments in the article brought me to a slide show "Zend Framework
Workshop, DCP09"  ->

An even better, and more up to date insight (Matthew I bow down to your

// on a side note: I love all you guys/gals who have contributed and  made
Zend Framework what it is today (and what it will be tomorrow)

---- Ok enough rambling, on to nitty gritty. 

In the first artcle, we are building a model, using a Gateway pattern.  The
model itself extends Zend_Auth (brilliant, but not necessarily what you are
supposed to be doing with light weight models). 

I poked through the Patterns of Enterprise Architecture / Martin Fowler.  In
the book, he refers to the gateway pattern being the pattern of choice due
to its ease and flexibility. 

Reading through the comments in the article, I came across the second (and
newer/different) ideals by using a DataMapper pattern in replacement to the
gateway pattern.  I then started reading up on the DataMapper pattern. 

I like both patterns, both are very functional.  However I did get a little

The first thing I am a little confused about: 
My logic is that we have a data source (be it a database table, a web
service, a file, etc).  Now according to PoEAA, a service is the 'business
logic' of the application.  However, Matthew places a service between the
Controller and the DataMapper. (Makes sense to me).  On the other hand I
also see services as being the layer between the DataMapper and the
DataSource. (For example we have "Zend_Service_Amazon".  Is that not
something we could/would layer between the DataMapper and the DataSource
(being Amazon).  (Forgive me if I am wrong, I really haven't worked with
that 'service' yet, I am just throwing out an example).  So if that *is* a
service, then by my logic: 

App_Model_DbTable_User extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract (in the slideshow) 

*should* really be 

App_Service_DbTable_User extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract 

because in my logic, the layer between the DataMapper
(App_Model_User_DataMapper) and the DataSource (The database table) is a
service, and in this case is an extended class of Zend_Db_Table_Abstract 

In saying that, here is how I envision the structure: 

|--> /models 
|       |--> User.php  (Default_Model_User implements
|       |--> Article.php (Default_Model_Article implements
|--> /services 
|       |--> User.php (Default_Service_User) 
|       |--> Article.php (Default_Service_User) 
|       |--> /User 
|       |         |--> DataMapper  (Default_Service_User_DataMapper) 
|       |         |--> DbTable  (Default_Service_User_DbTable extends
|       | 
|       |--> /Article 
|                 |--> DataMapper  (Default_Service_Article_DataMapper) 
|                 |--> DbTable  (Default_Service_Article_DbTable extends

So in my vision, the /models stays fairly clean, contains basic properties
and no business logic at all (however may contain behaviors that manipulate
the data/properties themselves).  The service contains the business logic
(create, login, save, etc) and would have the ability to create new objects
(without id's say in the case of the User).  The DataMapper handles the
actual 'creation' of the User/Article object (as it comes from the database
(or other data source)).  I am not altogether sure where the best placement
of the DataMapper is because it deals with a model it could go in the model
directory structure, but it also deals with the data source (which as I
stated to me feels like a service), so it could go into the service
directory structure. 

If my thoughts on this are out of line, please correct me. 

The other thing I was thinking is that I should have a contract (implements)
for the DataMapper class which defines the requirements of the data mapper.
For example the service will want to call functionality of the data mapper
in order to do things.  Lets use 'save' as an example: 

$user = (an instansiated modified Default_Model_User object loaded from the

Now within the DataMapper object we have a method called save, which
contains the logic to call the Zend_Db_Table_Abstract class
(Default_Service_User_DbTable in my case) 

Now lets say we want to use a different data source.  The new data source
has a different api to work with data.  No problem, we create a new (or
modify existing) DataMapper.  The save function in the new / modified data
mapper, makes the appropriate calls to the api, and appropriately saves the
data to the new data source. 

The problem that could arise, maybe we decided to call the 'save' method as
'wHey everyone,


Sorry about the repost (most of you probably haven’t seen it as I posted it
on Nabble, and of course realized that it didn’t get sent because I didn’t
have a subscription to the mailing list (cancelled it because I was reading
everything on Nabble).  Anyhow, I am reposting the message now that I have
re-subscribed to the list, so it will get some exposure beyond Nabble.



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