I've had the same problem since ZF 1.8 -- has anyone else gotten it to work?

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Cameron <themsel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How can I test this one further? It *used* to work just fine, but since I
> reworked to Zend_Application formats, it seems to have stopped, and the
> regular methods of turning it on don't seem to result in any output.
> I've tried turning it on both in application.ini and in the Bootstrap. In
> application.ini it looks like...
> resources.db.isdefaulttableadapter = true
> resources.db.params.profiler.enabled = true
> resources.db.params.profiler.class = Zend_Db_Profiler_Firebug
> and in Bootstrap.php...
> protected function _initDbProfiler() {
>         $this->bootstrap("db");
>         $db = $this->getResource("db");
>         $db->setProfiler(new Zend_Db_Profiler_Firebug());
>         $db->getProfiler()->setEnabled(true);
>     }
> If I go like this:
> $db = DbTable_Base::getDefaultAdapter();
> var_dump($db->getProfiler()->getEnabled());
> in a controller, it most certainly returns True, so according to the
> framework guts, it's most certainly turned on, but there's nothing appearing
> in my Firebug. FirePHP just says "No FirePHP data found in response
> headers". Anyone know where to start looking with this? it's really quite
> confusing, it all used to work perfectly!

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