Hi Saša,

Basically, if the exception isn't thrown within the dispatch loop, you would have to catch the exception in your index.php and dispatch to your error controller yourself. To make sure your errors and notices etc are thrown as exceptions you would need an error handler like mine.

Roughly something like this:

try {
  $front->dispatch(); // (or $app->bootstrap()->run())
}catch(Exception $e) {
  $request = new Zend_Controller_Request_Simple('error', 'error');

Maybe you would need to reset the dispatcher, but best way to find out it's been done is read the source code of the Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler

But still, I'd advise against it and handle errors at this level without your error controller, because it is quite possible the error will come up just another time in the catch() block, and you would still have to catch that one and handle it. You would of course want to eliminate every possibility your error handler itself is faulty.

drm / Gerard

Саша Стаменковић wrote:
Thx. But I can't see how this can help :P

Saša Stamenković

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Vincent de Lau <vinc...@delau.nl <mailto:vinc...@delau.nl>> wrote:

    > What i did was writing a function that simply throws an
    exception and
    > passing that function to set_error_handler, something like this:
    > error_reporting(E_ALL);
    > function exceptionThrower($type, $errMsg, $errFile, $errLine) {
    >     throw new Exception($errMsg);
    > }
    > set_error_handler('exceptionThrower');

    You should check out: http://php.net/ErrorException

    It is an Exception type tailored to PHP's errors.

    Vincent de Lau
     vinc...@delau.nl <mailto:vinc...@delau.nl>

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