You may want to look at this:

Theres a post about Zend_Form and the Pluginloader, it shows a way to
reduce the amount of plugin loader instances.

2009/9/30 Саша Стаменковић <>:
> But he can cache rendered content, then time will be spent just on pulling
> html from cache (shooting in the dark) ;)
> I would try both and do some benchmarking - plz share the results.
> Regards,
> Saša Stamenković
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Peter Warnock <>
> wrote:
>> I would only cache if it's visibly slow, or you're running out of memory.
>> If you're going to cache, cache the output since most of the overhead is
>> used in rendering. Keep in mind, you lose the ability to pre-populate the
>> form.
>> - pw
>> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 4:49 AM, holografix . <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I have several complex forms in the application and I would like to know
>>> if there is any benefit in caching those forms.
>>> If so, what would be the best way to go? Cache the classes or the output
>>> of the forms?
>>> Cheers
>>> holo

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