If you use the form at multiple places, you could consider making it into a 
view helper. The helper is easy to place inside your views and inside the 
helper you could initialize the form and set its action url.
Regards, Jurian
Jurian Sluiman

Op Wednesday 21 October 2009 15:47:45 schreef Саша Стаменковић:
> Why I want to do this in the form is, I want to set url on one place. Form
> will be rendered in many views, I don't want each of them set separate url,
> want to do it in one place, in the form init.
> Regards,
> Saša Stamenković
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Kyle Spraggs <the...@spiffyjr.me> wrote:
> > umpirsky wrote:
> > > Hi.
> > >
> > > I wonder, if you want to use url helper for all urls in your app, you
> > > can access it from view with $this->url(). from controller with
> > > $this->wiew->url()...
> > >
> > > But when you want for example to use it to set action of a form in form
> > > init() method, do you access it through front controller or bootstrap
> > > or you set action explicitly in the view script?
> > > What is the right way to go?
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Sasa Stamenkovic.
> >
> > You can do that easily using the form view helper and the URL of the
> > calling
> > page so doing so from the init() method isn't required. For example,
> >
> > indexAction()
> > {
> >  $this->view->form = new Default_Form_MyForm();
> > }
> >
> >
> > index.phtml
> > <?=$this->form->setAction($this->url());?>
> >
> > You could probably do it in the form using the helper broker but I've
> > never had a need to do so.
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> > http://www.nabble.com/url-helper-available-all-over-your-app-tp25992262p2
> >5992433.html Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at
> > Nabble.com.

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