
   I have some issues with Zend_Form and getting values as arrays.

For example - i have 2 elements - e1 and e2 and i want them as array (arr):
Something like this:

   [arr] => Array
           [e1] => val1
           [e2] => val2

   Closest form design i can get is this code:

       $form = new Zend_Form();
$form->addElement( 'text', 'e1', array(
           'belongsTo' => 'arr',
           'label'     => 'e1',
$form->addElement( 'text', 'e2', array(
           'belongsTo' => 'arr',
           'label'     => 'e2',
$form->addElement( 'submit', 'submit', array()); $form->setDefaults($this->getRequest()->getParams()); echo '<pre>Form values: '; print_r( $form->getValues() ); echo '</pre>'; echo '<pre>Request params: '; print_r( $this->getRequest()->getParams() ); echo '</pre>'; echo $form;

   But, there is still huge problem: Sample output:

Form values: Array
[e1] => [e2] => [submit] => submit

Request params: Array
   [controller] => test
   [action] => index
   [module] => default
   [arr] => Array
           [e1] => val1
           [e2] => val2

   [submit] => submit

As you can see even if i get form values in request as i wanted, they aren't recognized by Zend_Form. Output of $form->getValues() is different from expected, and even fields aren't recognized, so i can use Zend_Form only to generate HTML form but not to filter and validate submited form.

I tried in many ways using different combination of isArray, belongsTo, name and nothing works...

Any solutions to this problem that i can still use Zend_Form booth to generate form and then to filter/validate submitted data?

Best Regards,

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