
I seem to be having difficulties connecting to the ldap server (which
I'm told they think is an AD).

What it seems to be boiling down to is that Zend_Ldap is building the
canonical username dn from the supplied username and the baseDn. From
what I read it seems that in order to build the username dn the
username dn and password must be passed as the config options before
building the username dn for any other given username - which in some
senses is kind of odd.

Instead what I had to resort to was to build the username dn, and set
the password into the config array prior to using the Zend_Ldap

Because if the username option is not in a dn format and the
accountCanonicalForm is 1 (DN) then the initial ldap_bind even though
it returns not false (i.e a respource) the subsequent search then
fails because the bind did not have the correct credentials (ie.
authorised and correct username dn).

So the following will not work

$options = array(
  'host' => 'ldap.server.net',
  'port'                   => 636,
  'useSsl'                 => true,
  'accountCanonicalForm'   => 1,
  'baseDn'                 => 'OU=People,DC=server,DC=net',
  'bindRequiresDn'         => true,

$ldap = new Zend_Ldap($options);

$canonicalName = $ldap->getCanonicalAccountName($username,

Is there something to config that I'm missing, I have tried specifying
various account Filters... but it seems to be the underlying issuer is
that $username used in the initial ldap_bind is not in dn form unless
set as part of the config options.


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