Thats pretty much how i do it - even for small stuff like one-off static
pages. Its just easier in my work flow and that way i have a record of
everything done and a continuous backup without having to trying to figure
out if i need to revert to "site_old_1", "site_old_2" or "site_old_3" :-)

Never really use continuous integration though.

humansky wrote:
> According to either tool, CruiseControl and Xinc, there is a component  
> I'm missing, SCM. Since I'm the only developer, I never thought of  
> using something like Subversion or CVS, but now I think I should  
> rethink my strategy. Do most people use the following programming  
> model (pardon the horrible ASCII art), even if they are the only  
> developer:
> Local copy of code <------> Local Apache(or IIS)/PHP
>    |
>    |
>    -> SCM (Subversion, CVS, etc)
>            |
>            |
>            -> CruiseControl/phpUnderControl or Xinc  -----> Dev Server  
> ----> QA Server ------> Front Ends 1 & 2
> Thank you,
> Henry
> On Nov 18, 2009, at 9:18 AM, Michael Kliewe wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the last commit to Xinc is from 2008.
>> I prefer CruiseControl + phpUnderControl for my PHP projects.
>> Then you are able to automate deployment (where you can automate  
>> things like removing a webserver from the pool, deploy the new files  
>> to that server, and bring it back into the pool etc.)
>> Michael
>> On Nov 18, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Daniel Latter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have not used it but you may want to look at : xinc integtration  
>>> server (
>>> Dan
>>> 2009/11/18 Henry Umansky <>
>>> Hello all,
>>> This is not a question regarding ZF per se, I just want to know how  
>>> others would handle the same situation. Currently I was given a  
>>> task to develop a PHP ZF app on a Windows Server 2k8 running IIS7.  
>>> Problem is that I'm using Mac Leopard and connecting to windows  
>>> using SMB through the Zend Studios 6.1 IDE. This process is  
>>> painfully slow, every key stroke takes about 3-5 seconds to  
>>> register and connecting to SMB before I open ZS is an extra step I  
>>> would like to cut out. I've isolated the problem to Zend Studios,  
>>> since other text editors like TextWrangler or Komodo Edit are fine.  
>>> So my question is this, how are others connecting to windows  
>>> servers and developing PHP/ZF applications and what IDEs do they  
>>> use and what connection protocol does your organization allow?
>>> Also, on a side note, does anyone know of a tool that will allow me  
>>> to easily package and migrate my application from development  
>>> server ---> QA server ----> finally the two load balanced  
>>> production server? The old method of connecting to all three via  
>>> SMB and using the drag and drop method is getting old and I want to  
>>> minimize downtime. Right now I can do each front-end independently,  
>>> but there is about a 5-10 second lag until our load balancer  
>>> detects the 500 error, and sends traffic to the other front-end,  
>>> when I copy the folders over. I guess it ultimately comes down to,  
>>> is there an rsync equivalent to  windows if so, what is it?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Henry

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