Thats exactly how i have it in zf version 1.9.5

On 25 nov 2009, at 18:18, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <> wrote:

-- Jigal sanders <> wrote
(on Wednesday, 25 November 2009, 05:56 PM +0100):
Just created a project with zend tool.

In my bootstrap file I have :

protected function __initAutoload(){

       $autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
           'namespace' => '',
           'basePath'  => APPLICATION_PATH,
       return $autoloader;

Now i have in my folder "application/forms" a file LoginForm.php.
in it is a class called class Form_LoginForm extends Zend_Form.

Now when i do in my controller $form = new Zend_LoginForm()

i get Fatal error: Class 'Form_LoginForm' not found in K:\xampp \htdocs\nrka\
application\controllers\AuthenticationController.php on line 22

I'm a bit confused -- what is the class called, and how are you trying
to invoke it? Based on the information you've provided, it should be:

           LoginForm.php -> contains class Form_LoginForm

This should work, based on the information provided. If it doesn't, can
you please indicate what version of ZF you are using?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead            |
Zend Framework          |

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