>    $bootstrap = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap');

For some reason that works beautifully on my development machine but
not on the production server (shared hosting).

Fortunately this is a very small application so I'm able to work
around it easily by putting my config object in Zend_Registry. But I'm
clueless as to why the server doesn't want to play along ...

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney
<matt...@zend.com> wrote:
> -- Eugene Morgan <eugenemorganrea...@gmail.com> wrote
> (on Monday, 30 November 2009, 06:35 PM -0600):
>> I am working on a contact form in ZF 1.9. In one of my actions, I am
>> trying to access the bootstrap by
>> $this->getFrontController()->getParam('bootstrap')
> Not sure why it's not working, but there's an easier way:
>    $bootstrap = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap');
>> I made some changes to the application.ini file that shouldn't affect
>> anything ... but now the code above is not returning the bootstrap. In
>> fact, $this->getFrontController() returns NULL -- I am not sure why?
>> It was working fine before ...
>> Here is my application.ini file
>> [production]
>> phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
>> phpSettings.display_errors = 0
>> phpSettings.date.timezone = "America/Chicago"
>> includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
>> bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
>> bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
>> resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH 
>> "/controllers"
>> resources.layout.layout = "layout"
>> resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH "/layouts/scripts"
>> contactMail.fromAddress = cont...@xyz.com
>> contactMail.fromName = Contact form
>> contactMail.toAddress = a...@abc.com
>> contactMail.toName = Some Name
>> contactMail.subject = "Contact Form Message on xyz.com"
>> [staging : production]
>> [testing : production]
>> phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
>> phpSettings.display_errors = 1
>> [development : production]
>> phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
>> phpSettings.display_errors = 1
>> Here is the code in the action method:
>>     public function createAction()
>>     {
>>         if (!$this->_request->isPost()) {
>>             return $this->_forward('new');
>>         }
>>         $form = new Form_Contact();
>>         $formData = $this->_request->getPost();
>>         if (!$form->isValid($formData)) {
>>             return $this->_forward('new');
>>         }
>>         // Check for honeypot to avoid spam
>>         if ($form->getValue('altEmail')) {
>>             return $this->_forward('spam');
>>         }
>>         $view = new Zend_View();
>>         $path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/scripts';
>>         $view->setScriptPath($path);
>>         $view->name = $form->getValue('contactName');
>>         $view->phone = $form->getValue('phone');
>>         $view->email = $form->getValue('email');
>>         $view->comments = $form->getValue('comments');
>>         $bootstrap = $this->getFrontController()->getParam('bootstrap');
>>         if ($bootstrap->getEnvironment() == 'production') {
>>             $config = new Zend_Config($bootstrap->getOption('smtp'));
>>             $mail = new Zend_Mail('utf-8');
>>             $mail->setFrom($config->fromAddress, $config->fromName);
>>             $mail->addTo($config->toAddress, $config->toName);
>>             $mail->setSubject($config->subject);
>>             $mail->setBodyHtml($view->render('mail/contact.phtml'));
>>             $mail->send();
>>         }
>>         $this->_redirector->gotoSimple('show');
>>     }
> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> Project Lead            | matt...@zend.com
> Zend Framework          | http://framework.zend.com/

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