I know the term Widget is a loaded concept, but was wondering what everyone's thoughts on the best way to create reusable Controls/Components/Widgets.

To me a Widget is something you can drop into any controller and it would be able to handle rendering itself and working with Model. At first this sounds very similar to a View Helper, which is how I have done this so far. The issue comes when you need to update the Model.

Updating a model from the view is not really good practice or allowed in MVC.

An example situation, may help paint the picture:

   A Widget photo selection widget.  This widget would fetch images
   from some Gallery Model.  The view part of the widget would show a
thumbnail grid of the photos, with some sort of js lightbox modal. When a user select one photo, it would via ajax, post back and add
   to the image to his favorite photos collection, which means we need
   to update a model.

If this widget was just going to be in one system, you would just create a view helper, and the controller to handle the ajax. If you want to make this ajax/post reusable you could create an Action Helper. So to me seems like to be able to do this, you would need a way to create an encapsulate package that includes a View Helper and Action Helper.

What we want to be able to do, similar to modules, is to just drop a widget in place. It doesn't need to go as far as having to bootstrap itself like a module. It can work like action helper / view helpers do with brokers. The issue I have is that since the package is contained, you are going to add up with a bunch of helper paths which is going to really hurt performance if you have a bunch of widgets in your system.

Thoughts? Ideas? I am thinking too much about this :)

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