2010/1/19 Stefan Stubbe <yahikoo...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I'm following the manual for creating a custom Zend_Tool_Framework
> provider [1] in Zend Framework 1.10 beta1
> My custom provider is never found although my provider and manifest
> are in the include_path.
> I eventually tracked this down to Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Console
> now forcing the use of the BasicLoader in
> Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry.
> Previous zf version (I checked 1.9.7 and 1.9.6) defaulted to the
> IncludePathLoader.
> I can't find a way to override this new behaviour. Is this change
> intentional? Or should I create a bug report/issue for this?
> Kind regards,
> Stefan
> [1] http://mikaelkael.fr/doczf/1.10/en/zend.tool.extending.html

I have tested this again with Zend Framework 1.10 RC1, but nothing changed.
So I went ahead and created an issue for this:

Kind regards,


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