

There were no changes which could give such result. ...if I'm correct :)


So the recommendation is to remove index and try to rebuild it. That's
possible, that it's corrupted.


With best regards,

   Alexander Veremyev.



From: Sergio Rinaudo [mailto:kaiohken1...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 1:29 AM
To: fw-general@lists.zend.com
Subject: [fw-general] Lucene and ZF 1.10


I have the following line of code in my bootstrap


Inside a method that called _initLucene().
With ZF version 1.9.6 and previous everything works well, with the 1.10
version I get some error.
I cannot say exactly what kind of error now, because that 3 lines of
code causes internal server error 500.

If I comment this code I get errors using lucene index, so the question
how to make everything works again with this new version? I admit that I
still have not open the documentation, but because I hope in a quicker
solution from one of You, however I'm trying to see by myself.

Thanks in advance!

Sergio Rinaudo


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