Ok, found the issue, there's a bug on line 103 of Zend_Currency.
Filed an issue there: http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-9181

- Nicolas

Nicolas Grevet wrote:

In our project, we're using Zend_Currency to handle prices, but so far, we've been unable to make it work. Even the simplest example from the documentation throws an error:

This one works:
new Zend_Currency(
    array('value' => 100)

This one fails:
new Zend_Currency(
    array('value' => 100.50)

Type: Zend_Cache_Exception
Message: Invalid id or tag 'Zend_LocaleC_fr_FR_currencytoname_100.5' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]

As soon as we're using anything else than an integer, it fails. So far, we've never set any cache for this (at least I hope), and we're totally unable to understand what's going on, apart from the fact that Zend_Currency tries to cache something under a wrong cache identifier. Anyone knows what's going on? (we're using 1.10 & trunk).

- Nicolas

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