I am a very new user of Zend Framework and a fairly new user of PHP
though I have been programming (in many languages, though mostly C/C++
and Java for the past few years) since 1971 or so.

I have installed Zend Framework 1.9.4 on my xubuntu 9.10 system (it's
the version from the Ubuntu repositories) and after a few bits of
fiddling to get the include directories right it's up and running OK.

I first tried:-

    $mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir(array('dirname' =>

and that works right, I can see the messages in the fredMolina mailbox
as expected.

Then I tried:-

    $mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir(array('dirname' => 
'delim' => '/', 'folder' => 'buyOurBoat'));

and I get the error:-

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception' with
message 'no subfolder
named buyOurBoat' in 

But there really is a sub-folder called buyOurBoat there, otherwise
the first Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir() wouldn't have worked.

Is the Zend maildir handling expecting the (IMHO) stupid maildir
organisation where the folders and sub-folders of a mail hierarchy
aren't real directories?  My maildirs are created by mutt which is a
very standards compliant MUA so I'm pretty sure they are proper
maildirs but they *are* real directories.

I've had this problem before with other maildir libraries, they *only*
work with the 'not really directories' type of maildir folders.

Can anyone confirm that Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir() is
expecting 'not really directories' and won't work with real
directories?  Or am I doing something silly (quite likely!).

I can live with only Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir() working but if
Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir() does work then I may as well use it.

Chris Green

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