On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Mike Wright <mike.wri...@mailinator.com>wrote:

> David Mintz wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 1:34 PM, scs <sasc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> I would validate each step's data and save it in session.
>>> However, if any previous tab is clicked and there was an attempt to
>>> change any validated input,
>>> then I would validate that input again.
>>> In other words,
>>> click 2nd tab->validate 1st tab data and save in session.
>>> click 3rd tab->validate 2nd tab data and save in session
>>> click submit button -> validate 3rd tab data and insert the
>>> session-saved+3rd tab's validated data in db (or any operation else)
>>> if any previous/validated tab clicked and information is changed on
>>> that tab (before the submit is clicked), re-validate that data again.
>>> I do not think there is a need to re-submit all tabs' data again once
>>> the submit button is clicked.
>> So it doesn't make it into the session unless it's valid. This sounds like
>> a
>> good approach.
>> Question: how do we detect whether they have changed data in a
>> previously-validated tab? Compare POSTed data to what's in the session,
>> obviously. But how expensive is that compared to validating again
>> unconditionally? Especially considering that if it's changed we will
>> definitely validate again anyway.
> Doesn't all of this become irrelevant if the current subForm is validated
> and stored on any submission?  After that your model/flow can decide which
> subForm should be presented next.  That makes possible previous/next and
> buttons to arbitrarily select the order of the forms (after all, the user
> should be able to determine their own workflow, no?).
> .02 US (not worth much before, a lot less now)

Maybe I'm not getting your point.

I don't plan to have subforms correspond to tabs one-for-one, because there
are multiple models, each with a corresponding subform. I just want to split
up groups of fields into tabs for the sake of presentation; there's a single
submit button for all. When they move from tab to tab they aren't going to
be submitting, but it seems a fine opportunity to processAjax() and validate
the current section of the form before it gets hidden from view.

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David Mintz

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