Just found the post below regarding this topic.
Does anyone know if the bug was fixed ?

-- Hector Virgen <[hidden email]> wrote
(on Thursday, 14 January 2010, 10:57 AM -0800):
> How do I add a Zend_Rest_Route route to my application.ini? I want it to only
> match one controller in the default module.
> Right now I have this but it doesn't seem right.
> resources.router.routes.rest.type = "Zend_Rest_Route"
> resources.router.routes.rest.defaults.controller = "images"

Right now, you can't; there are some inconsistencies in its definition
that make creation via config next to impossible. I'm working with
another contributor on fixes, but they are proving hard to reconcile
with the current API. Keep an eye on the lists for further progress.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

Le 29/04/10 16:50, Guillaume ORIOL a écrit :

I am facing an issue with a REST route that I try to setup in
I would like to enable a REST route for any controller in the module
named "rest".
In my application.ini, I put:

resources.router.routes.rest.type = "Zend_Rest_Route"
resources.router.routes.rest.rest =

But when a request like this:
is received, the 'default' route is matched and not the 'rest' one.

any idea ?
Guillaume ORIOL
Software engineer

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