
As far as I can see it's valid, but not very recommended. Or my english is
not good enogh :)) XHTML 1.0 states:

If it encounters an entity reference (other than one of the entities defined in
this recommendation or in the XML recommendation) for which the user agent
has processed no declaration (which could happen if the declaration is in the
external subset which the user agent hasn't read), the entity reference should
be processed as the characters (starting with the ampersand and ending with
the semi-colon) that make up the entity reference.

And XHTML DTD has nbsp entity reference as:

<!ENTITY nbsp   "&#160;">

Correct me if I'm wrong or misunderstanding something...

2010/5/14 Hector Virgen <djvir...@gmail.com>:
> What problem are you having with "&nbsp;"? I didn't realize it's not valid
> XHTML. Should it be "&#160;" instead?
> --
> Hector
> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Andrew Ballard <aball...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Hector Virgen <djvir...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I suggest using the response object for outputting headers instead of
>> > doing
>> > that in index.php. You might run into issues later when you try to set
>> > cookies or start the session if headers have already been sent.
>> > To use the response object, you can use a front controller plugin to
>> > manipulate the response. Since the response is not procedural, it
>> > doesn't
>> > really matter when you set the headers as long as its before the
>> > response is
>> > sent (which I believe happens after dispatchLoopShutdown).
>> I had planned on doing something like that if the test worked. This
>> was just a quick-and-dirty test to see if browsers would even handle
>> the response correctly before justifying all that.
>> > Also, you if you specify the view's doctype early (like perhaps in your
>> > bootstrap),
>> I am.
>> > then most (if not all) ZF view helpers will honor the doctype
>> > and correctly self-close their tags and such. This should include
>> > Zend_Form,
>> > but I don't know if it will affect &nbsp; (which I thought was valid
>> > XHTML).
>> Indeed it does with respect to the correct tag style for XHTML. As far
>> as the <style> tag, it escapes the contents with regular HTML comment
>> tags (<!--  -->), which tells the XML parser to ignore the contents
>> entirely. It may be that the safest route will be to always extract
>> these to an external file. If so, it might be worth noting in the
>> manual.
>> It does not seem to do much for non-breaking spaces that are
>> hard-coded into the framework. I just ran a quick scan and found only
>> two places, so this might be a simple matter to fix:
>> Zend_Form_Decorator_DtDdWrapper
>> Zend_Form_Decorator_Label
>> Anything in the framework that relies on htmlentities() (I see 8
>> files) could be troublesome though, since it is a native PHP function
>> whose documentation says that it converts characters into their "most
>> common form".
>> > You can specify the doctype by calling $view->doctype('XHTML1_STRICT').
>> I've already set it in the bootstrap, so I just echo $this->doctype()
>> at the top of my layout script. The correct DOCTYPE is generated, and
>> I prefix the document with a valid XML declaration.
>> Andrew

Sincerely yours,
Aleksey V. Zapparov A.K.A. ixti
FSF Member #7118
Mobile Phone: +34 617 179 344
Homepage: http://www.ixti.ru
JID: zappa...@jabber.ru

*Origin: Happy Hacking!

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