That was great answer, thanks Thomas. As I expected, you can't be wrong
using one or another, and using mysqli is not a bad thing (if you are using
PHP 5.3+) :)

Saša Stamenković

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Thomas D. <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Саша Стаменковић wrote:
> > Still, I'm not really informed about differences between mysqli
> > and pdo. When you work with Zend_Db, you can choose between this
> > 2 with just one config param.
> >
> > I would like to know which one is faster?
> This question will be asked every month ;-)
> You should first understand, what's the difference between these two (well,
> there are 3 "adapters", in PHP 5.3 there you can choose between 4
> "adapters") are. To do that, have a look at the native PHP stack, how these
> adapters are implemented and what they do.
> PDO for example is just another layer, which should "abstract" the database
> access (that's why PDO supports different DBEs and mysql* only MySql ;-)).
> In general: Everything which is abstracting something will be slower than a
> native implementation of the same thing, because of the "overhead". But you
> should benefit from a great abstraction, so abstraction isn't bad at all ;-)
> So when you are using Zend_Db_*, you are already using some kind of
> "abstraction", so you don't really need another abstraction, some PHP
> database API is offering to you.
> In theory, PDO should be much slower than ext/mysql or mysqli is. For
> example PDO will prepare everything. But the nature of a PHP script is, that
> it will die after each request, so a prepared statement can only be used
> while the request, which prepared the statement, is active. So preparing a
> simple "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE isPublished = 1 ORDER BY date DESC"
> doesn't really makes sense, because this query will just be executed once in
> the request.
> If you would prepare a select statement and execute it more than once with
> different parameters in one request, you would benefit from preparation
> (well, only when preparation is done on server-side, client-side prepared
> statements are another kind of abstraction and therefore aren't as good as
> server-side prepared statements).
> So PDO is bad, isn't it? ;)
> No! If you don't use any kind of abstraction like Zend_Db* is offering to
> you, the client-side prepared statements are offering you some kind of
> security. Binding parameters to a query makes them secure against known SQL
> injections.
> At least other DBEs just need to implement the PDO interface to support
> PHP. They don't need to re-invent everything.
> Ergo:
> When you are using Zend_Db*, I would recommend to use ext/mysql or mysqli,
> because it's faster and you are already using a abstracted DBA.
> If you don't use a abstracted DBA, I would recommend to use PDO.
> In a normal application, you shouldn't notice any differences.
> Only on high traffic applications you would notice differences. But in high
> traffic applications, you won't use Zend_Db*, because Zend_Db* won't support
> the DBE specific (optimized) commands, just "generalized" commands, which
> will work across all supported adapters. ;-)
> P.s.: Ulf Wendel (from MySQL) wrote about that topic some month ago in this
> list: <
> >
> --
> Regards,
> Thomas

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