
Ryan Chan wrote:
> I have traced the source code of ZFW, and found the database adapter
> Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli  always do a prepare when execute any SQL.
> However, I found it is not needed, since most of my query only run
> once in their life cycle - no reuse is needed. It is possible to
> disable auto prepare so it can save a MySQL roundtrip for the prepare
> statement?

No. It comes from "Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli".

As you can see in the code you have traced - there is currently no "switch".

Please overwrite "Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli::_prepare()" (just replace the
method's body with a statement creation) and benchmark you application. You
should notice, that the roundtrip hasn't any measurable impact on the whole
application performance: If your application is currently not as fast you
want, this won't speed it up ;-)


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