The correct GIST link (for use cases is):

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Jonathan Maron
<> wrote:
> Hello all
> Back in March 2008, I submitted a proposal for a Zend_Validate
> component to validate EU "value added tax identification numbers"
> (VATINs) aka. "VAT numbers" [1]:
> Any developer writing a business-to-business application for
> deployment in the EU must - by EU law - collect and thus validate
> As this is a piece of functionality, which is common amongst many
> applications, I feel it belongs in ZF. IMHO, it is akin to the
> component, which validates credit card numbers.
> Following the discussions I have lead off list and the comments in the
> actual proposal, I have implemented a ZF 2.0 version of the original
> proposal: "Zend\Validator\VATIN".
> Before, I submit another formal proposal for ZF 2.0, I would to ask
> whether anyone would be interested in such a component in ZF 2.0.
> These are only use cases:
> The validator component itself uses regular expressions as defined at
> Optionally, it has access to "Zend\Service\VIES"
> which in turn contacts the VIES (EU Commission's validation SOAP
> service).
> I have the components "Zend\Validator\VATIN" and "Zend\Service\VIES"
> fully implemented with extensive unit tests.
> I would be delighted to hear your opinions.
> Best regards
> Jonathan Maron
> [1] Or any of the other terms listed at

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