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scs wrote:

I have 3 questions:
1. How can I find about a logged-in user's session data?
I would like to see when was the session started, how long has the user been idle? and how much time left for session expire?

That is a tough one if you are using files. PHP's garbage collector will run on a specific interval looking for files that have old timestamps (outside of a specificed range), and once it finds them, it will delete them.

If you wanted to iterate the session's file directory, you can get the last modification or last access time of the files (whichever is available) and you might get some information for when the last time the session was active. You'd also have to actually open the files and unserialize the data in order to determine who that session file belongs to.

Your other option is to put sessions in the database, that might give you a bit more flexibility to do this kind of introspection at the application level.

2. I have a session setting in my application.ini file related to session's save_path as below:
resources.session.save_path = path_to_project"/data/sessions"

is path_to_project a constant? only PHP constants are replaced in ini files, we typically use APPLICATION_PATH whcih is typically defined in the public/index.php

If its the same as APPLICATION_PATH, then the files will be stored at APPLICATION_PATH . '/data/sessions'. That directory will need to be read/write by the web server.

Otherwise, the data is going somewhere else, typically into /tmp/

However, the session cookie files are not saved on this location. How can I force this location?

3. I tried to implement remember me functionality for logins as below:
//if login successfull
Zend_Session::rememberMe($rememberMeSeconds);//remember me for 1 month.

But this code sends the user to login form and does not give any error.
However, when debugging via webdeveloper plugin, i see a cookie that is valid through the rememberMeSeconds. But still i have one more default cookie for the domain which is firstly created.

What is the correct way to implement rememberme functionality?

Can you determine why the cookie is not staying set? Are you calling this only after authentication or on every request? It should only be during authentication that you call this method.


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