As Matthew pointed out, yes, the state of ZF2 is still very much a work in progress. I would not pin a real project on it anytime before 2011. Stick with the tried and true when it comes to building project, right?

That said, we are getting the API's in order now and testing out techniques that will both improve usability (from a developer perspective) as well as performance concerns.

What does this mean? Minimally, it means that some API's will change, some class names will move around etc. I have built a prototype of a tool that will automate as much as possible. I plan on giving it a rewrite in the next 3 months, and creating some rules that will help developers convert ZF1 applications to ZF2. You can look for this tool in my github repository.

In short, we'll have a detailed migration guide and as many automated tools as we can produce. :)


    Okay, it is to be feared that we must go with the zf1 and migrate
    later to the zf2 code base ;-)

    Thank you for the answer.


How painful should we expect migration to be? I know: "it depends." But still...

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