Can you tell us current score? :)

Saša Stamenković

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney

> ZF Coding Standards are based on PEAR's CS. That standard was developed
> first by Horde, then expanded by PEAR, during the PHP 4 lifecycle. PHP 4
> had no concept of visibility in its object model; to provide some
> pseudo-visibility, PEAR CS mandated that members considered non-public
> should be prefixed with an underscore.
> With the advent of PHP 5, PHP's object model received visibility
> operators in the form of private, protected, and public. Applying PEAR
> CS to PHP 5 code meant that if you marked a member as private or
> protected, you would also prefix with the underscore. Many have felt
> this is redundant, and also that it makes refactoring more difficult
> (changes in visibility often mean renaming the members). Proponents of
> the standard, however, argue that the leading underscore leads to easier
> maintenance of the code -- you know immediately what the visibility of
> the member you're dealing with is just by looking at it.
> PEAR2 has decided to eschew the underscore prefix:
> Basically, this rule is no longer required (as it was in PEAR1), though
> developers may choose to use them.
> What is YOUR opinion? Should the underscore be dropped in ZF2?
> Please vote!
> Please do _not_ reply to this thread -- the arguments for and against
> are well known at this time -- we're simply trying to decide on whether
> or not to amend the coding standards for ZF2.
> Thanks!
> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> Project Lead            |
> Zend Framework          |
> PGP key:

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