Hey Jurian,

This is an interesting discussion, but the bigger question is: to what end?

PHP (and other scripting languages) are largely successful b/c the conceptual "application" is completely encapsulated inside of a web request. This is also called a shared-nothing architecture. I have a post on this:


It sounds like you want a persistent application stack like Java or .Net. This, in general, is not the "PHP Way" so to speak. Much of PHP's ability to scale horizontally on demand is much due to it's shared-nothing architecture.

More notes inline:

application instance into a session. My thoughts were it would only be necessary to run the app ($app->run();).

The session is not a good place for putting a Zend\Application instance. Reason being is that all the expense of creating the objects that make up the Zend\App object graph are still gonna have to be serialized and unserialized on each request. So, you are basically trading __construct() on an object for a __wakeup() on an object to return it to its live state.

This miserly failed because several files couldn't be loaded. I have not investigated it further, but it looks to me it'd pretty cool if it was possible.

Yep.. That is b/c you have created a chicken-and-egg problem. The objects require application state to be set (like autoloaders and include_paht settings), but now you've serialized that state into the session. How do you expect to be able to load files when their autoloader is serialized with the objects you want ot unserialize.

Is it an idea to look at Zend\Application for ZF2.0 to make this possible? It would save a lot of resource: complete configuration, loading of config files and so on are done once.

I think the bigger question here is how can we speed up an application within the confines of PHP. I would say that right now we are doing just that. We've identified the slowest parts of ZF1 based applications as the autoloader, loading of files, and plugin loading. These key pieces are being benchmarked and prototyped to be as fast as possible in ZF2.

Furthermore, I think we can look at how ZF2 based applications play with performance technologies like apc and zend optimizer to create a faster ZF2 based MVC application.

Those are my thoughts off the top of my head.


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