I don't see need for modules in that case, why not making it separate app?

Saša Stamenković

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Rafael <dexter...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Thanks for attention,
> I have already added the code to my application.ini
> resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
> resources.modules[] = ""
> But I want to use module specific ini file so that each module will get own
> database and other resources, I want to use the module specific ini file
> only when module is called like independent module applications. Is it there
> anything done like it? I have been researching however I found a lot of old
> tutorials...for older zend versions....
> Thank you
> Em 30/08/2010 13:41, Ralph Schindler escreveu:
>  Rafael,
>> I am not sure what you are asking actually.
>> Are you asking how to make an application "modular aware?" If that is the
>> case, this is achieved by adding something like this to your application.ini
>> file:
>>  resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
>>  resources.modules[] = ""
>> If you are asking how to get a module specific ini file, that is not
>> something that is provided by Zend_Application.  This is something you can
>> do on your own since you can do virtually anything you need inside the
>> Module's bootstrapper.
>> Paddy has a good writeup here on module specific configs as part of a
>> larger article:
>> http://blog.astrumfutura.com/archives/415-Self-Contained-Reusable-Zend-Framework-Modules-With-Standardised-Configurators.html
>> You can also have a look at this:
>> http://blog.vandenbos.org/2009/07/07/zend-framework-module-config/
>> Ultimately, the reason it's not explicitly supported is that the use cases
>> for modular configuration are not well defined.  Do you want to incur the
>> cost of loading a config during bootstrap, or do you want to incur the cost
>> only when the module is actually used?  Those questions are only determined
>> by the purpose of the module itself.
>> Hope that helps,
>> Ralph
>> On 8/30/10 11:24 AM, Rafael wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been setting up an modular application however it is not clear in
>>> the manual how it is done.I've monted "skeleton" as in manual says,
>>> configured the module directory but it doesn't load application.ini from
>>> each module. Anyone knows how to load an application.ini from each
>>> module?
>>> Thanks

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