Hey debussy007,

I am not sure what you mean by doing something wrong. If the data is not being passed, you might want to try gotoSimpleAndExit(). This will force a redirect immediately, which is probably what you want. $bookings needs to be something that can be represented in a url.

As for the other issue, if you need to pass information between requests, you should look into using Zend_Session or some equivalent.. that is what it is there for.


On 9/21/10 12:58 PM, debussy007 wrote:


I need to pass an array between two actions.
Below is the code I tried :

in action 1 :
return $this->_redirector->gotoSimple('time-slots', NULL , NULL,
array('bookings' =>  $bookings));

in action 2 (timeSlotsAction) :
$bookings = $this->_getParam('bookings');

Unfortunately this won't work. I am doing something wrong. So I thought I
should serialize the array but I am afraid that the serialized output will
be to big for a GET param.

Thank you for any help !!

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