Hey Shawn,

Now I would like to query the database to return specific
data. For a simple example "SELECT comment, email FROM Guestbook";

Where would that go?  The controller?, or the Mapper
models/guestbookMapper.php, The model maybe?

It's ok, common question.

Your answer? "It depends".

If you have a 2 tier application that is just built with a "controller like layer" and a "view like" layer. Then it goes in the controller.

That's generally not the case though. What you have in the guestbook application is a standard, yet, lightweight 3 tier MVC application. V & C you know, but M is the "model". This is a conceptual layer of code best describe by what its NOT. It's not environment specific (like the controller), and it does not handle representation or interface concerns (like the view). It's the model: where any "environment agnostic / interface agnostic" code would go.

It's called the model b/c you are "modeling" your business processes, or a better word would be "domain logic".

Since your domain is made of data... and this data needs to be persisted.. persistence of the data becomes a problem of the model. Since the classic persistence mechanism is a relational database, which you utilize SQL to interact with the database, this would mean your SQL belongs in your model.. "somewhere".

Where exactly is another subject that is completely dependent on the patterns you decide to employ.

In our example, we employ a mapper approach.

This can be used in conjunction with a domain model

and these domain models can be found via a service layer

your service layer can employ the use of an identity map to ensure it doesn't duplicate objects during a request

but you might also decide not to use SQL inside your mapper and instead utilize Zend_Db_Table, our db table gateway and row gateway solutions.

BTW, active record is also one such persistence solution that also, generally, also mergers its concerns with the domain model and service layer:

.. in your controller, you might want to convert your models to either an array of data, or a value object (also known in some circles as a data access object)

Ultimately, your SQL goes in the model "layer".

There are enough links and terms above though so you can start educating yourself on the variety of patterns that are employed in building applications great and small.

Try searching the mailing list for "modeling", you'll get some interesting discussions.


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