Well if you want to build this yourself I would look at doing a few things.

One you could you use Zend_Navigation and have that pull from a Zend_Config object. Your admin could have a form that allows users to add to your menu, and on save, you save this data as a Zend_Config compatible xml, php array, yaml, json (than you Zf 1.11).

You could also do something similar with creating pages that on save, add themselves to a config that is used in routing. Or you could have generic controller that handles database pages. Just make sure you have enough info saved in your datasource so that your generic controller can do what it needs to. For simple articles.. you can probably just store the article body in your pages table, and then even save what view script it should call.

btw - its "Dynamically" :)

On 10/29/2010 2:42 AM, vladimirn wrote:
First of all i would like to say hello to all of you guys.
There is a question bothering me for some time now.
While ago i have created a CMS where i allowed admin users to create a
pages, menus, categories etc.. dinamicly.
I would love to port all that ideas to Zend Framework env.
Talking about ZF, as far as i know, to show a page to user, at list i need
to have a controller and a view file.
If i want to create a new menu/page using zend framework, how i can do that?
I mean, i can make some nice form and i can create data and record it to
some table, but what i am wondering about is how user can access to newly
created menus an pages?
FOr egzample, if i create a menu "Test", and record all "Test" attributes
(name, description, metatags etc..) in database, it is not a problem to
fetch it from DB and to add it to existing menu tree.
But what about content of this menu?
I can create a field in table, name it "content" and assign it to this new
How to access this content on website? Do i have to create view file and
controler TestController.php and proper action to show the dinamicly created
The goal is to have a CMS where admin can create menus and content "on the
I hope i was clear enough :)
I would appreciate any advise here

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