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For those who haven't put the reoccurring event in their calendar, this announcement is for you: Zend Framework Monthly Bug-hunt is here again! This *Thursday*, *Friday* and *Saturday* of November (the 18th, 19th and 20th 2010), we'll be hosting our monthly bug hunt. For those of you unfamiliar with the event, each month, we organize the community to help reduce the number of open issues reported against the framework.

This is an important bug-hunt for us. As you might be aware, we released our final minor point release in the past month: Zend Framework 1.11 (and ZF 1.11.x README). This means that this branch will be the final release branch of the 1.x series. So help us make this release branch rock solid by closing as many issues as we can in this up-coming bug-hunt!

All in all, bug hunt days have helped us close 100's of issues in Zend Framework since their inception. These bug hunts have proved vital to keeping up the bug squashing momentum in this project. So, whether they are big bugs or small bugs, remember this: all bugs worthy of being squashed.

Not convinced you should join in yet? Here are some more reasons:

* Improve your coding skillz by being around some of PHP's top developers in while hunting for bugs.

* Win *THE* Zend Framework t-shirt -- the individual who resolves or assists in resolving the most issues wins a Zend Framework t-shirt! (This is the same t-shirt so many people were asking for at ZendCon 2010 worn by Matthew and Ralph during the ZF2 live talk.)

  * Help improve the overall quality of the code you're already using.

  * Fix issues that have been affecting you.

* Save you and your company time spent managing your own patches to ZF, and move the maintenance upstream by patching the framework itself.

  * Learn valuable Quality Assurance skills.

  * All the cool kids are doing it. Are you cool?

If you want to help out, please make sure you have a CLA on file with us, and then join us in the channel on Freenode on Thursday, Friday, & Saturday. If you would like more information on specifics of participating, read our guide.

Looking forward to seeing you at this month's Bug Hunt Days!

Ralph Schindler






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