Hey Kevin,

The Dojo component will need to be refactored at a later date.

Currently, our MVC Interfaces proposal was approved and we are moving towards building an MVC implementation over the next months. Once we know what the C (Controller) and V (View) look like, we'll apply that to the components that consume it.

So, in a nutshell, it is best to wait to see what happens before putting any effort into refactoring this component with regards to MVC integration points.


On 2/10/11 12:52 PM, kncedwards wrote:

While moving some code further towards ZF2, the dojo application resource
uses Zend\View\ViewEngine in the following function:

public static function enableView(View $view)
         if (false ===
$view->getPluginLoader('helper')->getPaths('Zend\Dojo\View\Helper')) {

Is a ViewEngine class still in the works, or does this resource need some



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