I'm having an issue with Zend_Date (and, by extension, Zend_Validate_Date)
that would seem to qualify as "unexpected behavior", but I'm not sure if
it's legitimately unexpected or if it's my expectations that are out of

First off, some basic information: I'm seeing this issue in ZF 1.11.3 on a
FreeBSD 6.4 system with PHP 5.2.14. Ultimately, I'm using Zend_Validate_Date
to validate date inputs from a form (e.g. date of birth).

Given this code...


require 'Zend/Debug.php';
require 'Zend/Locale/Format.php';

Zend_Debug::dump( Zend_Locale_Format::getDate( '123', array(
    'date_format' => 'd.M.y',
    'format_type' => 'iso',
    'fix_date' => false
) ) );


...I would expect it to be unable to parse "123" as a date, since it doesn't
follow the specified format. Unfortunately, I get the following output:

array(5) {
  ["date_format"] => string(5) "d.M.y"
  ["locale"] => string(5) "en_US"
  ["day"] => string(2) "12"
  ["month"] => string(1) "3"
  ["year"] => bool(false)

This is a problem, because Zend_Validate_Date considers this a valid date.


require 'Zend/Debug.php';
require 'Zend/Validate/Date.php';

$validator = new Zend_Validate_Date( array(
    'format' => 'd.M.y'
) );

Zend_Debug::dump( $validator->isValid( '123' ) );




Now, if I use a value of "12.3" instead of "123", I get expected output:

array(4) {
  ["date_format"] => string(5) "d.M.y"
  ["locale"] => string(5) "en_US"
  ["day"] => string(2) "12"
  ["month"] => string(1) "3"


So... is what I've described above expected behavior and I'm just doing it
wrong, or is it a legitimate bug?

(Either way, I suppose I'll need to throw Zend_Validate_Regex into the mix
to make sure the input is in the correct format.)

Thanks in advance,
Ryan Lange

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