
that sounds like an approach to follow. I'll see.
Thanks a lot for your information.



Am 04.03.2011 12:05, schrieb Simon Walter [via Zend Framework Community]:
> On 03/03/2011 12:24 AM, Stefan Riffert wrote:
> > Hello HTH,
> >
> > Unfortunately scribus only supports svg, eps and pdf.
> > I had some mails with the developers of scribus.
> > The option to invoke scibus in the commandline is planned. But no one
> > knows when...
> > I also asked if there is any option to convert the src files to FO or
> > something like this. Nothing.
> >
> > Using svg might be a solution.
> > The problem is, that my time is short and I never worked with svg like
> > this.
> > Do you know some libraries that provide functionality to add text and
> > images to svg files? Or where to start reading?
> It doesn't seem like an easy task to accomplish with limited time.
> SVG is an XML format. So basically a decent XML parser would serve the
> purpose. However, there are lots of CLI SVG tool kits that will probably
> save you much time. See:
> http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/
> http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Implementations
> Years ago that page had many more implementations. I assume Batik is the
> best, so they dropped the rest. SVG is very "scripting friendly".
> I'm not 100% sure what you are trying to do, but I had a look at the
> Scribus PDF form support. I guess you want to insert the user's values
> into the form and generate the PDF. So, if you have the Scribus document
> exported as an SVG file, you'd navigate the DOM to find the element you
> want to add the text to. You may need to use place holder text in the
> SVG file and then replace that text rather than insert it.
> You'll have to ask the SVG gurus about that. I think it's probably the
> cleanest and most maintainable way to achieve your goal.
> Props for using FOSS. d
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