Well, I wasn't expecting that code response Kizano. It's almost
verbatim to what I did as a quick work around. How dare you peek at my
code :-P

Thanks for both yours and Hector's responses. They were both helpful
and provided enough info that I can work the rest of it out.


On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Markizano Draconus
<asthral...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Tim,
> You could add something to disable the layout and set the proper headers:
> In the controller, under init() or the action you want to execute:
> $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout();
> $this->_response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
> $this->view->json = array(
>  'status' => 'ok',
>  'message' => 'This is a status message.',
> );
> In application/scripts/view/index/index.phtml (or wherever your view scripts
> are):
> <?php print $this->json; ?>
> It's probably looking for error.phtml because it's missing the view scripts
> for the error controller to render the HTML for the error and exceptions.
> Try adding that and your debugging might be  made a bit easier ;)
> Hope this helps,
> -Kizano
> //-----
> Information Security
> eMail: asthral...@gmail.com
> http://www.markizano.net/
> On 03/06/2011 10:49 PM, Tim wrote:
>> I can't seem to get my controllers to recognize that I only want them
>> to display json. Here's my controller
>> <?php
>> class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
>>         public function init() {
>>                 $this->_helper->contextSwitch()
>>                         ->clearContexts()
>>                         ->clearActionContexts()
>>                         ->setDefaultContext('json')
>>                         ->initContext('json');
>>         }
>>         public function indexAction() {
>>                 $this->view->assign(array(
>>                         'status' =>  'ok',
>>                         'message' =>  'This is the index action'
>>                 ));
>>         }
>> }
>> ?>
>> All I want to do is, by default, output everything as json. I don't
>> want to have to send a "format=json" parameter in the URL.
>> According to
>> http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.actionhelpers.html
>> I should be able to do this, but the above controller results in the
>> error
>> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_View_Exception' with message
>> 'script 'error/error.phtml' not found in path
>> What am I missing?
>> Thanks,
>> Tim

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