Hello Steve,

Am 07.10.2011, 17:34 Uhr, schrieb Steve Rayner <srayne...@googlemail.com>:

 I have to admit I don't understand the workings of this code.
On the last line i am setting the class for the top level UL tag, but
I also need to the the ID. Is that possible.

At the moment you can not set the ID. It comes with next mini release.
You can use a simple str_replace or extend the class Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu.

Again on the last line what type of object is menu()?

It is a view helper:

Also how do I set the class on UL elements nested deeper in the menu?

No, you can not. You can use descendant selector in CSS:

.navigation ul {


.navigation ul ul {


Or use a partial script to render your own output:
(Example #48)

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