How different is the "LIMIT" implementation different from SQL Server 05 and 08?

I fear that since ZF1 is approaching its final minor version and that there are far fewer people running 2000 in production over 2005, it might night make sense for this in ZF1.


On 2/10/12 10:19 AM, Andrew Ballard wrote:
The implementation of the limit() method relies on RowNumber() which
did not exist prior to SQL Server 2005. SQL Server 2000 is pretty old
by now, but there are still some databases running on that platform.

I wrote a custom db adapter to extend Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv that
appears to fix this issue and make the method compatible with SQL
Server 2000. If I enter a bug with the fix, would someone be
interested in reviewing it for inclusion?

(Also, I noticed when searching the issue tracker that there are
component labels for several Zend_Db_Adapter_* classes but this was
not one of them.)



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