Hi Artur,

Thanks for your response.

On 31/05/12 17:23, Artur Bodera wrote:
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Steve Dowe<s...@warpuniversal.co.uk>  wrote:

Based on this output, I refer to this as a "1-3-1".

Is this a Boostrap.php for a module or main application?

Are those log lines produced in a method (i.e. public function
_init_logger(){ ... ) or are they produced
in top-level scope (i.e. not in any method or function)?

I have declared no other modules, so I assume this is the "default" module (main application).

My log lines are generated using Zend_Log_Writer_Stream in the top level scope. There is no Bootstrap class/method; these lines are simply within Bootstrap.php:

$writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(LOG_PATH.$config->log->app_log);
$logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
$logger->info('Setting up logging...');

.. and, later on...

$logger->info('[Bootstrap] '.'Logging level set to '.$config->log->level);

I noticed that at some point during ZF development (from 1.7 to the present), Bootstrap.php gains the bootstrap class declaration. I'm not sure whether implementing this would be compatible with 1.6.2 so I didn't try to implement it.


Steve Dowe
Web Developer / RHCE

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