> Zend_Log has this in the Log() function;
>        // pack into event required by filters and writers
>        $event = array_merge(array('timestamp'    => date('c'),
>                                    'message'      => $message,
>                                    'priority'     => $priority,
>                                    'priorityName' =>
> $this->_priorities[$priority]),
>                              $this->_extras);
> Which uses ISO format for date. However Firebird database does not
> seem to accept dates in this format.
> How should I go about overriding the date format in Zend_Log.
> Presumably I would have to create my own Log object that extends from
> Zend_Log and override the whole Log() function.
> This seems a bit extreme just to reformat a date.
> I would prefer to keep ISO format in Log object and reformat the date
> at the database abstraction layer, but it seems
> ZendX_Db_Adapter_Firebird is not responcible for reformatting dates
> (which imo kinda defeats purpose of database abstraction).
> Any thoughts?

If you take a look at 


you'll see that the format of the timestamp can actually be configured. I 
assume that this is the same in the latest 1.12.0 release. 

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