-- Maxim Savenko <maxim.save...@gmail.com> wrote
(on Monday, 17 September 2012, 03:25 PM +0400):
> Is there are any way to get ServiceLocator or other DI manager in other
> classes, Model classes  for example?

Yes -- implement Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface, and
then define a service for your model somewhere in your configuration,
and make sure you pull your model from the service locator. What I mean

    class SomeModel implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
        protected $services;

        public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $locator)
            $this->services = $locator;

        public function getServiceLocator()
            return $this->services;

>From there, make sure SomeModel is in your service configuration, and
that you fetch it from the SM instance.

That said, I recommend not doing this. Use the ServiceManager for
Inversion of Control. By this I mean: have a factory for the model that
injects dependencies into the newly created instance, and then inject
the model where you need it.

As an example:

    'service_manager' => array('factories' => array(
        'SomeModel' => function ($services) {
            $db          = $services->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
            $inputFilter = $services->get('Some\InputFilter');
            $model       = new SomeModel();
            return $model;

    'controllers' => array('factories' => array(
        'SomeController' => function ($controllers) {
            $services = $controllers->getServiceLocator();
            $model    = $services->get('SomeModel');

            $controller = new Some\Controller();
            return $controller;

This approach allows you to easily substitute different implementations
when necessary. Additionally, it provides you with an explicit
documentation of what dependencies a given class has. These two factors
combined will help make your code more testable, and more easily
extended and maintained.

> I read "Creating a ServiceManager-aware
> class"<http://zf2.readthedocs.org/en/latest/modules/zend.service-manager.quick-start.html>,
> It's fine, but it works only with controllers.
> It'd be fine if this will work with other classes instantiated with
> ServiceLocator/Manager. for example:
> I have some configured invocable class: myClass described as follow:
> class myClass implements ServiceManagerAwareInterface {
> private $serviceManager=null;
> ...
> }
> , in controller i use serviceLocator to get it
> $myClassObj = $serviceLocator->get('myClass')
> ,so after getting $myClassObj it will have instance of $serviceManager
> which in it's turn can use it to get other resources.
> And another question. Is there are any way to pass parameters to resources
> described in Module.php when they are initialized? I mean while i do
> something like
> $myClassObj = $serviceLocator->get('myClass' , ...????....)
> and process it in factories section(getServiceConfig) or in some other one?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
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