Yes. I'm reading the zf2 code.
I found that 'adapter' can be array or string and $cfg also can has
'options' key.

        $adapterName = $cfg['adapter'];
        $adapterOptions = null;
       * if (is_array($cfg['adapter'])) {*
            if (!isset($cfg['adapter']['name'])) {
                throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Missing ""');

            $adapterName = $cfg['adapter']['name'];
            $adapterOptions = isset($cfg['adapter']['options']) ? $cfg[
'adapter']['options'] : null;
        if ($adapterOptions && isset(*$cfg['options'**]*)) {
            $adapterOptions = array_merge($adapterOptions, $cfg['options']);

        $adapter = static::adapterFactory(*(**string)$adapterName*,

I have no ideal about how-to use the 'options' option in factory()

use Zend\Cache\StorageFactory;
// Via factory:$cache = StorageFactory::factory(array(
    *'adapter' => 'apc',*
    'plugins' => array(
        'exception_handler' => array('throw_exceptions' => false),

So I just think the option 2 is reasonable. right?

2012/9/25 Matthew Weier O'Phinney <>

> You realize that you're passing a very different structure to the
> factory in this second case, right? Structure needs to be

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