On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Vincent de Lau <vinc...@delau.nl> wrote:

> This should indeed be the proper approach. As long as the data in the
> tables
> is encoded properly, MySQL can and will convert the data back and forth
> depending on the session character set. I'm not sure how a UTF-8 to Latin1
> mismatch will be handled though.

Note: Mysql cannot do any "smart" transliteration, so beyond-ascii
characters from
UTF-8 will be converted to "?" (question marks).


mysql> SELECT CONVERT(_utf8'zażółć' USING latin1);


| CONVERT(_utf8'zażółć' USING latin1) |


| za?ó??                                 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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