On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Javier Garcia <tirengar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I trying to add javascript code to my view so i followed this
> <http://www.stoimen.com/blog/2010/06/24/zend-framework-inject-javascript-code-in-a-actionview/>
> tutorial and I added this below to my controller:
> |$scripts=  $this->view->inlineScript();
> $scripts->appendScript('alert("jfkasd")');|
> But i there is either no alert pop up nor I find any reference to |alert()|
> function in the source code of the page.

inlineScript(), and the other placeholders, *aggregate* information.
Typically, the intent is to aggregate information from a variety of
view scripts that you then want to render in your _layout_ _template_.

As such, in your layout view script, you need to have a line like the following:

    echo $this->inlineScript();

If you never do that, then the aggregated scripts will never be rendered.

> Since I don't know exactly if I write those lines in the action or the view,
> I also tried this:
> |<!-- /views/scripts/contracts/generalinfo.phtml -->
> <?php $scripts=  $this->inlineScript()  ?>
> <?php $scripts->appendScript('alert("jfkasd")')  ?>|
> but the result is the same as before..

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
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