Have you tried adding 'create' route after 'profile' one?


On 28 May 2013 08:41, Xander Guzman <thesha...@shadowpedia.info> wrote:

> I have the following route defined
>                     'campaigns' => array(
>                         'type'    => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Literal',
>                         'options' => array(
>                             'route'    => 'campaigns',
>                             'defaults' => array(
>                                 'controller' =>
> 'Application\Controller\Campaigns',
>                                 'action'     => 'index',
>                             ),
>                         ),
>                         'may_terminate' => true,
>                         'child_routes' => array(
>                             'create' => array(
>                                 'type'  => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Literal',
>                                 'options' => array(
>                                     'route'  => '/create',
>                                     'action' => 'create',
>                                 ),
>                             ),
>                             'profile' => array(
>                                 'type'    =>
> 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment',
>                                 'options' => array(
>                                     'route'    => '/:campaign-slug',
>                                     'defaults' => array(
>                                         'action' => 'campaign',
>                                     ),
>                                 ),
>                                 'may_terminate' => true,
>                                 'child_routes' => array()
>                         ),
> My problem is the way I'm understanding it if I type in /campaigns/create
> it should map to /create and if I enter anything else
> /campaigns/foofoobunny that should match the /:campaign-slug route. Problem
> is that it doesn't work, why is this? How could I make it so if I define an
> explicit route it will match and if it doesn't it falls back to this
> default dynamic route?

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