*Anyway, I don't think anyone would want to set the value of a submit
element with posted data, no?

No they wouldn't, so don't pass it to setData. But I should imaging people
would want to set the value on the submit element programtically, I don't
think there is a distinction between posted form data and normal setter
data, I think that may be the issue?

On 12 June 2013 10:30, Andreas Möller <a...@localheinz.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> > as I just encountered this: is it desirable for anyone that a submit
> element gets actually populated with the requested data?
> To demonstrate what I think is unexpected behaviour, I've prepared a test
> right here, which fails, though:
> https://gist.github.com/localheinz/ded9b52f8f6b381ddf4d
> Can you take a look?
> I believe it is undesirable behaviour to be able to fiddle with the label
> of a submit element.
> I've encountered this issue when in one view, a button had to be rendered
> using a <button> tag (Zend\Form\Element\Button) because an icon was needed
> before the actual content, and in a different view an <input> tag is used
> for rendering the button (Zend\Form\Element\Submit). When submitting the
> form with the <button> in it, the label of the value of the submit element
> with the <input> tag is empty, since the <button> tag doesn't have any (but
> the same name).
> Anyway, I don't think anyone would want to set the value of a submit
> element with posted data, no?
> Best regards,
> Andreas
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