Hi Matthew,

> Take a look at the original PR that contains the new factories, as it
> has examples showing how to use the various Session factories:
> - https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/pull/4268

Actually, that PR was the only piece of documentation I found which I
used to set up the SessionConfigFactory.

> Note that they are not fully integrated into the various session
> consumers in the framework yet; there's some issues we need to address
> first. That said, in your own factories, you can then pull the session
> service, individual containers, etc. and inject them into the objects
> you need.

Ok, that is clear when it comes to the session manager or session
container stuff. But for the session configuration I would typically
need that within the bootstrapping process because the session should be
setup on each request. It does feel a little weird to request a service
from the service manager to change the session configuration. Since I
guess it is a basic feature will it not make sense to initialize the
SessionConfigFactory automatically whenever a "session_config" block is
found in the configuration data?



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